Who has said, "I have so much I want to do, so I'm going to rest."

🤚🏾 Me!

Yes, I'm currently doing something counterintuitive. I'm resting when my brain's survival mode is screaming, "Go, go, go! Do, do, do!"

😲 Returning from maternity leave makes me feel a bit panicky as I figure out my fall calendar. So, my survival brain's first instinct is to work until that goal is met.

🧠 The problem is that my brain is constantly running, developing strategies, plans, and tactics. I'm not resting it enough to tap into the creativity and focus needed to make sound, actionable decisions.

So, I'm using this week to do what's counterintuitive. I'm resting. My to-do list for each day will consist of the following:
📖 30 min reading
🛏️ 30 min hammock time
🧘🏾 10 meditation
🚶🏾30 min walking
🍵 15 min tea pause

I'll assess my capacity after my "rest list" is fulfilled each day.

I have my list of "must get done" items for the week, and I'll do them. What I won't be doing is overcrowding my days spinning about things that need more time to percolate, settle, and develop.

Tamisha is holding a sticky note that reads, 30 min reading, 30 min hammock, 10 min meditation, 30 min walking, 15 minute tea pause, and “I embrace rest and prioritize my well-being.”

There's power in pausing, giving your brain, body, and spirit time to process and recoup.

I’m proud of having the foresight to block off a week each month for intentional downtime.

I’m using this week to reset and be more present for myself, my little one, and the family.

✊🏾 Every cause we're fighting for, and every healthy space we're cultivating, needs our sage brain to be activated, not just our survival mode.

❤️ How will you embrace rest today?

❤️ How will you prioritize your well-being today?


I recognize that as a solopreneur, I can create my schedule. While I didn’t have the same agency to craft my schedule in a healthy and well-paced way when I wasn’t working for myself, that doesn’t mean I lacked all agency.

As I was preparing to leave independent schools, I was practicing embracing rest during the day and in my off-time. I put boundaries in place that helped to honor my well-being.

These are some of the considerations I reflected on that empowered me to live better in environments that were hyper-focused on productivity.

  • What times of day am I feeling most exhausted and disconnected from myself?

  • In those moments, how much time can I dedicate to my well-being or community care?

  • Are there any tasks I can do or meetings I can take outside of my office?

  • (for people managers) How am I modeling rest and well-being? How am I creating opportunities for and advocating for rest and well-being?

What this looked like in practice:

  • When I felt tired and disconnected, I walked around campus. Sometimes, I visited a classroom or a colleague and was energized by the connection. Other times, I took a walk outside and was elevated by nature.

  • I brainstormed things I could do if I only had 5 minutes instead of 1 hour. Coming up with options ahead of time helped me not dismiss a 5-10 minute break, and I was able to use it wisely.

  • I completed some tasks in a student break area or the library. I enjoy working in areas where life is happening around me. It also helped me be more visible around the school and approachable to students and adults. (Note: I got a privacy screen for my laptop.)

  • I turned some meetings into walking meetings to get fresh air and movement. Depending on the topic, this also helped to ease tension.

  • I advocated for late starts after late-night programs, light weeks after heavy programming weeks, and blocking off downtime to celebrate accomplishments and reflect on them before moving to the next big task.

A chart displays well-being and community care actions depending on the amount of time you have available. There are options for 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, and 1 hour.

Well-being and community care practices can be seamlessly integrated into our lives. By making the most of small pockets of time throughout the day, we can elevate our wellness and the livelihood of those around us.

Until we connect again, start from within and do this work in community.



My ability to rest and prioritize my well-being is strengthened by my ongoing work to align with my core values.

Are you interested in discovering your core values and learning how to live in greater alignment with them? Join me for my upcoming free webinar:

Discovering and Aligning with Your Core Values
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
4:30pm ET/1:30pm PT



Is this feedback or gaslighting?


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