10 Questions to Ask When Building Relationships

(these questions were co-developed with Lori Cohen Consulting)

How do you build relationships and get to know your people?

At any time of the year, when forming new relationships or re-forming team dynamics, the following questions will allow you to best support those you’re working with. Lori and I have used these questions in our coaching, supervisory, and student advisory relationships.

Some people conflate relationship-building with creating a “family environment” or prying into people’s personal lives. I’m a firm believer in healthy boundaries. I do not think that a work environment has to “feel like family” in order to be considered thriving. I DO believe that getting to know the needs, expectations, and professional aspirations of those we serve builds a strong foundation for a dynamic working relationship. One that is poised to navigate tensions and conflict that may arise over time.

How will you put “relationship before task” and proactively plan to build relationships among your team? How will you be intentional about taking a human-centered approach to your leadership and team development?


Have you checked out the Start From Within series?

This series highlights exercises and tools that help you to increase your self-awareness, cultivate a healthy emotional capacity, and promote equity and wellness.

A new resource and instructional video get added monthly. So far, we’ve covered the following:

  • core values

  • dorsal (stabilizing) practices

  • somatic choice board

  • 5- senses meditation (our latest!)

Access to this series is free, and tools can be used personally and with your team/organization. Check us out!

Tamisha is sitting at a table in nature with her computer in front of her and her stylus in hand. She's laughing at someone sitting across from her, who's not in the picture.

Would you benefit from a support network centered around reflection and visioning as you make shifts and changes in your life? Are you seeking support to increase your self-awareness and align your life with your core values?

A Start From Within cohort experience is in development.

More information to come. Share your name and email below, and I’ll send the information directly to you.


Hopes and Desires Are Nothing Without Action


7 Closing Reflections As You Celebrate and Review the School Year