Hopes and Desires Are Nothing Without Action

The full title was going to read “Hopes and Desires Are Nothing Without Action: Reflection and accountability questions to make the most of your summer.” But I figured that may have been too much for a title.

I recently led a staff meeting for educators where we spent time reflecting on and celebrating school year successes and growth. We ended with a vision exercise where they considered what they wanted their summer break to look, feel, and sound like.

Vision exercises are potent tools that activate our imagination and help us get clear about our hopes and desires.

Hopes and desires are nothing without action, so I led them through reflection questions to clarify how they would center themselves over the break and acknowledge who or what could support them in seeing their vision come to life.

As you transition into summer mode, I invite you to pause and reflect on these questions:

1. What do I want my summer break to look like? Sound like? Feel like?

(Don’t be afraid to get creative and visual here. Draw it out! Write it out. Reflection is powerful, AND visuals provide depth and insight to help us draw more profound meaning and help our brains retain the information.)

2. How do I want to show up for myself and prioritize my wellness based on this vision?

3. What might get in the way?

4. Who or what could support me in staying true to my vision?

(Based on what might get in the way, how might you pre-empt those hurdles and have a game plan that increases the likelihood of your vision coming to life?)

BONUS: What's one thing you'll do this week toward your vision?

Time flies. We know this. So rest. Recharge. And gift yourself intentional moments of summer break joy based on your hopes and desires.


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