7 Closing Reflections As You Celebrate and Review the School Year

What closing rituals exist for the faculty and staff members in your school community?

If you’re not school-based, this question still applies to your setting. What reflective rituals exist in your organization?

Often, the end of the school year is filled with ceremonies and rituals for students as they transition into summer, new learning environments, and new stages of life. As a school administrator, I longed for intentional reflection and connection with my fellow educators.

As you wrap up the school year, consider ways to build rituals that center on celebration and reflective practices. Below are seven closing reflections you can use to celebrate successes and reflect on growth and new learnings.

These reflections can be used in classroom settings, but my focus is for educators to engage in practices fully before facilitating with students.

I encourage you to get creative and have fun. Set the stage for celebration and reflection. Curate the environment so folks feel led to engage differently. Give enough time for insights to be revealed and shared.

What would ending the year with purpose-filled and joy-filled connection and reflection feel like? What might the impact be if we integrated reflective practices throughout the school year?


Have you checked out the Start From Within series?

This series highlights exercises and tools that help you to increase your self-awareness, cultivate a healthy emotional capacity, and promote equity and wellness.

A new resource and instructional video get added monthly. So far, we’ve covered the following:

  • core values

  • dorsal (stabilizing) practices

  • somatic choice board

  • 5- senses meditation (our latest!)

Access to this series is free, and tools can be used personally and with your team/organization. Check us out!

Tamisha is sitting at a table in nature with her computer in front of her and her stylus in hand. She's laughing at someone sitting across from her, who's not in the picture.

Would you benefit from a support network centered around reflection and visioning as you make shifts and changes in your life? Are you seeking support to increase your self-awareness and align your life with your core values?

A Start From Within cohort experience is in development.

More information to come. Share your name and email below, and I’ll send the information directly to you.


10 Questions to Ask When Building Relationships


We are not Energizer Bunnies: buffer time + recovery days