We are not Energizer Bunnies: buffer time + recovery days

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My Ongoing Practice

Tuesday was a recovery day for me, coming off of Sunday travel, a Monday workshop, and travel back home again. I started with a slow and steady rise into the day, an un-rushed walk with the dog, making and sipping my tea with calm and content, and eating meals that brought me joy.

This is an ongoing practice for me. Acknowledging the energy I put out into the world, paying attention to how my body is feeling, being responsive to my physical, mental, and emotional needs, by blocking off time to recover from the energy drain.

I often spoke about the need for recovery days when I was in schools. I’d look at my calendar and see a rough week filled with meetings and multiple late night programs. I wished there was more space to reflect and process before heading into the next thing. But given the pace of my days and weeks, that wish went away as quickly as it came.

I never stopped believing that buffer time and recovery days were integral to doing well for a sustained amount of time. However, as I shifted to working for myself, I noticed the automatic ways I filled up my schedule. Instead of the spaciousness I longed for, I was trying to secure the success of my first year in business by ensuring that every moment was accounted for. Towards the end of that school year, I noticed I was just as drained as I had been before. But this time, it was a pace I had set.

Without reflecting on the catalyst for the pace in the first place, I replicated the very thing I worked hard to get away from. And so began the practice of building in buffer time and recovery days.

Tamisha is sitting in nature, near the base of the tree. A text box is overlayed on her picture and reads, "buffer time: blocked off time in between scheduled commitments"

what buffer time looks like for me:

  • I start most mornings with buffer time up to 10a. This gives me space to move through my morning routine with ease and flow and without interruption.

  • I set my Calendly up to build in 30 min buffer times between meetings. This give me time to stretch, take a screen break, walk my dog, grab a snack, nap, or reflect/process.

  • When 3-4 meetings get scheduled in day, I block off the remaining time before and after so I can preserve down time, work time, reflection/processing time, and innovation/creation time.

  • If I have a meeting after 5:30p, I block off buffer time 2-3 hours before that meeting so I can spend time with my family or rest to preserve energy before a night time engagement.

Tamisha is sitting in nature, near the base of the tree. A text box is overlayed on her picture and reads, "recovery days: blocked off days with no scheduled obligations, allowing for rest, reflection, and processing."

how I build in recovery days:

  • I keep my schedule light before travel, workshop days, or vacation. This helps me preserve energy for the time ahead. I have a notice on my calendar which helps me unlearn the habit of stuffing too many tasks into a week before a break.

  • I keep my schedule clear on travel days. Travel can come with complications; delays, traffic, etc. Not having to split my time and concentration helps travel days feel lighter.

  • The day after a workshop/travel is a recovery day for me. I block off the day so no one can schedule to meet with me.

When I was in schools, I couldn’t always control my buffer time or build in recovery days. Meetings were sometimes placed on my calendar during times I had hoped for a pause. Or emergencies arose that required my immediate attention. I tried to do as much as I could within my sphere of control/influence:

  • Requesting to come in later than normal following a late-night program. Or supporting a late start school day after a community program like Back-to-School night.

  • Limiting the practice of scheduling meetings during lunch or break times so that I could prioritize a change of pace and rest for my mind. Sometimes I would walk the neighborhood or campus during those breaks.

  • When I had time between meetings, I’d take a break in student social spaces to connect with them and check-in. One time I hopped into a TikTok dance, another time, an UNO tournament. Talk about an infusion of energy and joy.

  • I loved popping into art classes during down time and walking around the class to see what students were creating. The art room was always a space of inspiration and retreat for me.

If you’re a leader, how do you support/encourage buffer time and recovery days in your organization or team? How do you build them into the calendar and regular schedule?

We are not Energizer Bunnies.

There comes a point when our body won’t just keep going and going. And if we’re paying close enough attention, as we are “going and going”, regularly without pause, our body isn’t operating optimally, our mind isn’t as sharp, and our emotions go unregulated. We risk acting in ways that are not aligned with our intentions and values.

When would buffer time be useful in your schedule? How might you build in buffer time in your schedule? What impact would it have?

When would a recovery day be useful in your life? How might you build a recovery day into the next three months? What impact would it have?

Tamisha is sitting at a table in nature with her computer in front of her and her stylus in hand. She's laughing at someone sitting across from her, who's not in the picture.

Would you benefit from a support network centered around reflection and visioning as you make shifts and changes in your life?

In 2023, I’ll be starting a Start From Within inaugural cohort.

More information is coming. Share your name and email below and I’ll send information directly to you.


7 Closing Reflections As You Celebrate and Review the School Year


preparing yourself for tomorrow…again