Embrace Boundaries for Lasting Wellness

Boundaries aren’t just about saying "no"; they are about saying "yes" to yourself—your wellness, your peace, and your purpose.


As I approach my 40th birthday, I’ve been reflecting on the power of boundaries and how they’ve helped me create the life I want. Boundaries aren’t just about saying "no"; they are about saying "yes" to yourself—your wellness, your peace, and your purpose.

One of the boundaries I’ve been celebrating this year is making time for rest and reflection. It wasn’t always easy, but it’s significantly impacted my ability to thrive, both personally and professionally.

Two books supported my growth around boundary setting and resting unapologetically: Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Tawwab and Rest is Resistance: Free Yourself from Grind Culture and Reclaim Your Life by Tricia Hersey.

And because we know that one can be well-read and poorly practiced, I worked with a somatic coach to create embodied commitments, better align my actions with my values, and take greater accountability for my desired outcomes around boundaries and living a joy-filled life with meaningful connections.

On the top left is a picture of the book cover, Set Boundaries, Find Peace with a headshot of Nedra Tawwab. On the bottom right is a picture of the book cover, Rest is Resistance with a headshot of Tricia Hersey.

What about you?
What boundary are you celebrating this week? How has it impacted your wellness and your ability to show up fully in your career and life?

As a leader, boundaries help you set the tone for how you work and how you lead others. They create space for sustainable energy, clear thinking, and a deeper connection to your values. When you model healthy boundaries, you also encourage those you lead to prioritize their own wellness, fostering a healthier workplace culture.


A Moment of Reflection:

Reflect on a boundary that has made a difference in your life recently. How has it impacted your emotional, mental, or physical well-being?


Let’s continue prioritizing our wellness as we navigate the complexities of leadership together. I’m looking forward to revisiting Rest is Resistance during my birthday week as a meditation into a new year!

With love and support,

P.S. Stay tuned for a special reflection post-birthday in my next newsletter!


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