Moments of Peace…

Last week I enjoyed a moment of peace and mindfulness as I ate a pomegranate.

Ever since my dear friend A.Z. taught me how to cut and enjoy this fruit, these "morsels of heaven," I've seen the practice of eating them as a moment to pause and enjoy the present.

Moments of peace, peaceful, peace. These words have flowed in and out of my mind this past week as I listened to the news. I took a conscious break from taking in the news over the summer and am starting back in a way that works best for my spirit (it can be too much sometimes!).

Listening to the news always brings up mixed feelings, and where hard news is concerned, feelings of sadness, frustration, and at times, overwhelm. I'm working on listening to the news while keeping two pieces of information in mind.

1. WHERE DOES IT MAKE SENSE FOR ME TO FOCUS MY ENERGY? I take a moment and consider the news content and my spheres of control and influence. What can I control about what I learned? What can I influence? What's outside of my control? Based on this reflection, where does it make sense to focus my energy?

2. QUESTIONS TO ASK MYSELF WHEN I'M OUTRAGED BY INJUSTICE: Mariame Kaba, author of "We Do This 'Til We Free Us," reminds us to ask these four questions. What resources exist so I can better educate myself? Who's already doing work around this injustice? Do I have the capacity to offer concrete support and help to them? How can I be constructive?

Reflecting on my spheres of control and influence and Mariame's questions, I find myself in a better place to process the news I hear, take in my feelings, and consider the best next steps moving forward.

Sometimes the next best step is for me to look to credible sources and educate myself while also talking with trusted members of my community to process feelings, discuss action steps, and share ways we’re caring for ourselves in the midst of activating news. Sometimes the next best step is to sit down, open up a pomegranate, and eat each seed with care, love, attention, patience, and joy.

I wish you all many moments of peace,

peaceful resolutions to conflicts you may be experiencing in your personal and professional life,

and peace within your mind, body, and spirit as we continue to move throughout this week.

Let’s center humanity and be present for ourselves and others as we navigate the intensity of now.

Take care yall.


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