31 Daily Affirmations
While the target audience for these affirmations is educators, anyone can benefit from the affirmations below.
To my educator community members:
As you get ready to head back into the school building,
prepare to hold space for colleagues,
and create affirming, enriching, and transformative spaces for young people,
I encourage you to start each day centering yourself and affirming your ability to be responsive to your health, wellness, and care.
Fill your cup each day this month by returning to this post and reading an affirmation you wish to focus on for that day. I will also post one affirmation daily on my Twitter (until Friday, and then I'll be leaving that platform), Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook accounts. Follow me there and get your daily affirmation each morning.
Holding space for colleagues and young people requires a lot of energy, skill, and commitment. Fill up your cup, and may you pour from your overflow.
Take care and stay well!
Upcoming events. Learn more and register now for a discounted fee before August 15.
Join other BIPOC women leaders for a free virtual affinity space that identifies and processes wounds created within the workplace. Second Wednesday of every month. Presented by Schools Transforming: Reinventing Inclusive, Diverse & Equitable Systems (STRIDES).
Weekly coworking session for coaches to work together, find community, and resource share. Free to attend. Hosted by Tamisha Williams of Tamisha Williams Consulting in partnership with headquarters (hq).
Weekly coworking session for coaches to work together, find community, and resource share. Free to attend. Hosted by Tamisha Williams of Tamisha Williams Consulting in partnership with headquarters (hq).