BIPOC Women’s Affinity Space -Healing & Growing Beyond Leadership Wounding
Join other BIPOC women leaders for a free virtual affinity space that identifies and processes wounds created within the workplace. Second Wednesday of every month. Presented by Schools Transforming: Reinventing Inclusive, Diverse & Equitable Systems (STRIDES).
BIPOC Women’s Affinity Space -Healing & Growing Beyond Leadership Wounding
Join other BIPOC women leaders for a free virtual affinity space that identifies and processes wounds created within the workplace. Second Wednesday of every month. Presented by Schools Transforming: Reinventing Inclusive, Diverse & Equitable Systems (STRIDES).
BIPOC Women’s Affinity Space -Healing & Growing Beyond Leadership Wounding
Join other BIPOC women leaders for a free virtual affinity space that identifies and processes wounds created within the workplace. Second Wednesday of every month. Presented by Schools Transforming: Reinventing Inclusive, Diverse & Equitable Systems (STRIDES).
BIPOC Women’s Affinity Space -Healing & Growing Beyond Leadership Wounding
Join other BIPOC women leaders for a free virtual affinity space that identifies and processes wounds created within the workplace. Second Wednesday of every month. Presented by Schools Transforming: Reinventing Inclusive, Diverse & Equitable Systems (STRIDES).
Past events have included: