Diversity/Equity Practitioner Leadership Development
Offering consulting and training services for individuals, teams, and organizations in support of transformative change.
Blink Consulting collaborates with schools to critically and compassionately rethink diversity. Created by educators for educators, Blink helps schools define the purpose, practice and outcomes of their diversity initiatives by offering a fresh lens and practical tools for schoolwide revision.
CATDC (California Teacher Development Collaborative)
They host workshops throughout the year, some of which pertain to the development of equity practitioners and educators.
Diversity IS: Diversity and Inclusion Magazine for Independent Schools
In addition to other offerings, they have an Equity Facilitator Training offering
Equity Literacy for Educators: Definitions and abilities
Explo Elevate: Innovative Schools Cooperative
INSIGHT Into Diversity: Magazine to advance conversation on diversity and inclusion in higher education and beyond
Language of Social Justice: Cheat Sheet
Defines key terms by describing what is meant and examples of what it is
Making the Hidden Visible: The lived experience of DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice) practitioners in independent school
This study, based on interviews with over 25 DEIJ practitioners in independent schools, explores the individual experiences and collective themes of those who live this role day in and day out. Implications for schools, including suggestions for school leadership, are also shared.
Reads for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Compiled by @sheathescholar on Twitter)
Running list of recommendations
Robin DiAngelo’s Resource Page: Critical Race and Social Justice Education
Free White Fragility Readers Guide
Resources for White Parents
The Consortium of Equity Conferences
The Consortium of Equity Conferences (CEC), a group of progressive, like-minded organizations unified through their common interest in promoting access and equity through educational programs and conferences. Each CEC member organization is dedicated to peace, equity, and social justice. The consortium’s primary mission is to support, network, and take action.
Public & Private School Educational Leaders Sharing Strategic Solutions (K-16 administrators, staff and teachers)
Summer institute opportunity
The Institute for Social and Emotional Learning
They host several 4-Day Summer Institutes across the country in addition to the other work that they do
Perception Institute is a consortium of researchers, advocates, and strategists who translate cutting edge mind science research on race, gender, ethnic, and other identities into solutions that reduce bias and discrimination, and promote belonging. We work in sectors where bias has the most profound impact—education, healthcare, media, workplace, law enforcement, and civil justice.
The UnTraining: Healing personal & social oppressions:
The UNtraining is a provocative and compassionate approach to help people discover how to work together in extraordinary ways to end our collusion with racism and all forms of oppression. The UNtraining provides insights and tools for all levels of experience and activism to white people and people of color.
Available tracks:
UNtraining White Liberal Racism
People of Color UNtraining
Neither Here Nor There: Being Chinese in America
Jewish and White in America
Transformative Educational Leadership
A Year-Long Journey in Mindfulness-Based Social, Emotional, Academic and Ethical Learning for K-12 Systemic Change
Two residential retreats July 27-29, 2018 & July 14-19, 2019 at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY, as well as a year of online curriculum and distance learning.
In this training with leaders in the fields of education, research, contemplative neuroscience, and resilience, we will be accessing the best evidence-based practices, curricula, and strategies for systemic educational transformation.
Uprooting Inequity (Evidence-based workshops on the history, economics, and psychology of racism)
Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities
Through workshops, retreats, and customized programs that raise knowledge, motivation, and skills, VCIC develops leaders who work together to achieve success throughout the Commonwealth.
Visions Inc. mission is to 1. equip individuals, organizations, and communities with the tools needed to thrive in a diverse world, 2. to remove structural and cultural barriers that prevent full and equitable participation, 3. to help create environments where differences are recognized, understood, appreciated, and utilized for the benefit of all.
White Supremacy Culture by Tema Okun
Why People of Color Need Spaces Without White People (blog post)
World Trust: Social Justice and Equity Movement Building
Films, curriculum, and workshops