It’s Impossible to Have Ease in Your Life…

If you're not intentional.


Ease is possible in our lives.
Ease comes with intention.
Intentionally reframing, unlearning, and getting practiced at new skills.

Here are some things I do to promote ease in my life:
🙏🏾 Daily mindfulness, devotion, prayer, or gratitude practice
📋 Weekly prep time on Sundays and evening prep time each day
⭕ Boundary setting for my capacity
✉️ Use email templates
🤖 Automate tasks I spend too much brain energy on
🆘 Make requests, ask for help
❤️ Cultivate a supportive community

In the video below, I share in more detail about my ease practices. 👇🏾

Where are you feeling a lack of ease in your life?

What's ONE THING you can do this week to bring about more ease?

If you need a place to start, check out Lori Cohen and my Three Week System Reset.

Here are pictures from my some of my intentional down time as I engage in the Three Week System Reset.

You can expect to feel discomfort or awkwardness as you try new ways of being that bring about ease in your life. That's normal. The discomfort lets you know you're growing.

Keep growing in rest, rejuvenation, and ease.

We are not meant to go through this life laboring without purpose or pause, exhausted, depleted and isolated. May you create space in your daily routine to breathe deeply, pause, and reconnect with your humanity and others.


My mission is to help BIPOC women and nonbinary leaders thrive in their careers without sacrificing their personal lives. Let’s do this work in Community.

You can reach out to me for support on:
❤️ Assessing your well-being and aligning with your core values.
🫶🏾 Cultivating a supportive and affirming community.
✍🏾 Taking direct action towards your goals.

Until we connect again, take care and stay well,



The Three-Week System Reset